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Talks & Presentations

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The Five Pillars of Medicine

The Five Pillars of Medicine

The Alchemy of Ceremony
Initiation as the Gatekeeper of Perception

The Alchemy of Ceremony
Initiation as the Gatekeeper of Perception

Preparing the Vessel

Preparing the Vessel

In this inspiring talk Lila shares a body of knowledge she received after completing an initiation in a traditional medicine lineage in Southern Africa. A portal of inspiration, receptivity and guidance began to open, and a timeless system of knowledge was transmitted over months and years, through dreams, plants and the natural kingdom. This talk shares this tale, and the knowledge that came through.

Exploring the role initiation plays in opening our ancient memory, this talks explores the manner in which this is conducted in many traditions, the profound purpose of this process, and what this then opens for the individual and community as a whole. This talk looks at the wisdom practices that align us with the greater universal rhythms that accompany our lives.

Every culture has somewhere in its lineage rites and traditions that induct the individual into broader capacities. The results of these practices are not only physical but also energetic, and allow us to navigate between the worlds with agility, for the purpose of insight and healing. As we undergo these rites and passages we strengthen the vessel of our being. This allows us to hold a higher frequency of wisdom. "As we strengthen the chalice of our being, we are able to hold a more powerful nectar".  



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Art by Simon Haiduk

The Five Pillars of Medicine

Online Intensive

A five week online immersion into the medicine on all levels of our being. We learn the interconnected reflection of ourselves in all of nature, and what it can teach us about thriving effortlessly.

The Five Pillars of Medicine - Cedar Tre

The Five Pillars of Medicine

In Person Intensive

A one day in-person workshop introducing The Cedar Teachings and The Five Pillars of Medicine. This workshop constellates the map of this work onto the landscape of our being. 

Art by Anna W

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The Fabric of Spirit


A one day in-person workshop introducing the third branch of these teachings. A pre-requisite for this workshop is having attended The Five Pillars of Medicine immersion, online or in-person. 


The Fabric of Spirit grows from the foundational teachings. It explores the energetic structure of reality, how things come to design current reality, and how the mystical informs our evolution.

Art by Meredith Woolnough

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Ancestral Awakenings


A one day workshop to open and deepen connection

with our ancestors.

A practical and enriching journey exploring ways traditional cultures nurture portals of connection through time, and the wisdom this offers. We hold our own offering ceremony; gaining skills and practices to take into our lives.

Art by Kai Orton

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Art by Luis Tamani

Workshop with Sacred Tobacco


Unique knowledge of the traditional and sacred use of this plant; how to conduct personal clearing with it, and how to best use it for aligning our best intention with our practice.

One on Ones

One on One Consultations

Image by Luz Mendoza

There are two kinds of sessions, both available in person and online: 


  • Individual sessions - therapeutic | mentoring | coaching | consultations                                                                  These help to understand the medicine your life is offering you and to apply this understanding. Often these support to integrate and draw the more mythic content of our lives into our grounded reality.

  • Ancestral Reading - a reading of the unseen elements of ourselves and what these areas are requesting of us.


When there are wounds in our ancestral lineage they continue to show up in our current life, until our attention is drawn to bringing remedy here. In contrast, when our ancestral field is strong and nourished it becomes a source of support and inner guidance. With this we are able to navigate our lives more gracefully and powerfully as our choices are made from a place of inner knowing and solidity.


Unresolved ancestral patterning is like a river with boulders upstream blocking the full flow coming down to us. This work aims to resolve these blockages for the river to flow more fully. The flow of life and the flow of love become more deeply available again. Entering into work with our ancestral field brings alignment where it is needed and remedy where things are out of accord.


A brief overview of how it works:

Imprints in our electromagnetic field - from various impacts in our evolution - attract towards them the circumstances that fit into that imprint. Just like a protein in a DNA strand magnetises the matching partner protein, so does our electromagenetic body magnetise the matching state of affairs in our lives. This is why we will replay a certain pattern again and again, until such time as we address the foundational imprint.


All the information of our evolution is held in this field, beyond time and space, and it emanates the pattern we will experience across ancestral generations, past lives, interdimensional encounters, and the levels of our being that are all affected by this patterning. 


The session reads the electromagnetic body and its pattern. We all have an inherent energy signature, like a leaf pattern. Once we discern this we can address how to best remedy those things that are obstacles, and enhance those that are blessings.



  • Individual sessions: Therapeutic sessions | Mentoring | Coaching | Consultations: A$150 | USD $100 (1 hour)

  • Ancestral readings: A$300 | USD $210 (1.5 - 2 hours)


"Thank you again, I had a big shift after my reading. Like a block was removed and I got back into the expansive flow and clearer on steps I need to do moving forward in my work."

Katie G

 "Lila's reading with me was powerful and emotional. It touched me deeply, and gave voice to some things that I had a feeling I needed to deal with. Hearing these things from another person who carries so much integrity has helped me to commit to much more nourishing life decisions. Thank you Lila"

Jia Bin

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Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

  • Mentoring Group for Practitioners and Therapists
    Mentoring Group for Practitioners and Therapists
    Date and time is TBD
    Online course
    Date and time is TBD
    Online course
    Date and time is TBD
    Online course
    An intimate group for those practicing as therapists and facilitators of psychedelic assisted therapies and plant medicines. Moving through The Five Pillars of Medicine we use this modality as a support and inspiration for therapeutic and integration protocols.
  • "The Five Pillars of Medicine" One on One sessions
    "The Five Pillars of Medicine" One on One sessions
    Time is TBD
    Online sessions
    Time is TBD
    Online sessions
    Time is TBD
    Online sessions
    This is a seven session series for individuals wanting to move through The Five Pillars of Medicine in a very personal way. Our initial session will be an intake and orientation, and thereafter each week will explore a Pillar of Medicine and how it is pertinent and reflected in your life.
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