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The Five Pillars of Medicine

FIVE Week Online Course

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                                                                  "What you seek is seeking you"   ~ Rumi


This five week process is a beautiful immersion into ‘medicine’ on all levels of our lives. We learn the five universal principles that are always operating in all of life, and how to harness their power and wisdom for our wellbeing and growth.


Each 'Pillar of Medicine' governs a different aspect of our being. They unfold in a specific sacred order, a natural sequence, through our lives. These cyclical phases are continuously in motion, within ourselves and all of nature. We don't need to re-invent the wheel to expand in our potential. We simply need to use the momentum of these natural cycles to carry us into a more enriching, fascinating and enhanced way of life. 


The codes for health are in nature.



“This work gave my life a map I didn’t even realise I was looking for!” ~ Lisa Saven



This work offers insight into the working of all things, from the grand cycles of the universe to our personal and inner patterns. This knowledge can be applied across any modality and supports us to move beyond where we thought possible. It enhances our experience of life and allows us to be more empowered and effective.


What you get in this course: 



-  A two hour Zoom session exploring a Pillar of Medicine per week

-  An email with an exercise PDF to facilitate deeper personal engagement with the Pillar of Medicine going forward

-  A video recording from an earlier course of the Pillar of Medicine explained

-  A written transcript of the above video teaching

-  A 20 minute sound journey holding the rhythm of that Pillar of Medicine



This allows you to engage personally in live Zoom sessions, and also keep the course content permanently.



As we move through this profound yet simple journey you will gain an understanding of each pillar of medicine, how it is personally effective in your life, and how to use this navigation tool to deeply heal, inspire and ignite your life.


This intensive will explore "The Cedar Teachings" that correspond with "The Five Pillars of Medicine". These share the five universal allocations of medicine across all natural bodies, from cells to plants, from humans to the planet as a whole. We come to understand the harmonic alignment of these principles and how we can gain support from other realms of being to cultivate our most powerful and beautiful expression.




Course details:



Cost:        USD $350   |   A$520   |   £270   |   €320

Where:    Online - details will be sent once registered

When:     2 hours online every Wednesday for five weeks:

                      21 February   |    28 February   |   6 March   |   13 March   |   20 March 2024

Time:       Please check your time zone in relation to 5pm - 7pm GMT

                      Pacific Time: 9am - 11am   |   UK:   5pm - 7pm   |   South Africa:  7pm - 9pm




The "Five Pillars of Medicine” is a body of wisdom that came through plant and dream teachings after completing a traditional medicine initiation in Southern Africa. Lila was shown that, “There are only five pillars of medicine. And all medicine, across all time, fits into these pillars”. The teaching proceeded to stream through, showing her the five modes of medicine, the ancient and current systems that use them, and how we draw on them instinctively in our daily lives. This body of knowledge forms a deep medicinal tool, from personal to cosmic contexts.


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Week One

Introduction:  Becoming familiar with The Cedar Teachings 

The First Pillar of Medicine

Exploring our “roots", bones, dreaming. The foundation of our being. The level of body and earth.

Week Two

The Second Pillar of Medicine

Exploring our “leaves”, how we gain energy, power and expression. The level of heart and water.

Week Three

The Third Pillar of Medicine  

Exploring our “bark”, our containment, resilience and protection. The level of mind and fire.

Week Four

The Fourth Pillar of Medicine

Exploring our “fruit”, our “flower”, our offering and magnetism. The level of soul and air.

Week Five

The Fifth Pillar of Medicine 

Exploring our “sap”, the life blood. Our guidance, clarity, direction. The level of spirit and ether.

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